December 2023
Recently the plug has been pulled out of the display activities of Everlight. Evervision was one of the early adopters of LCD and TFT products in Taiwan, founded in 1998.
The company was specialized in LCD and LCM manufacturer offering customized various technology. Supplying extensive semi- and full custom monochrome LC modules with COB, COF, COG and TAB technology.
Furthermore, Evervision cooperated with TFT panel manufacturers and integrated this technology to provide an interesting range of standard TFT modules and enlarges the service range by customized modifications. The TFT portfolio covered sizes from 3.5 ~ 10.2 inch.
DiBis, the professionals behind the screens®, will be able to assist you in finding direct alternatives from our esteemed suppliers

August 2023
Bolymin acquired by UJ Light
UJ Light Technologies Corp. has merged Bolymin display products business unit, gradually resulting in the phase out of the Bolymin brand.
We will continue to serve our clients as usaual and we believe that leveraging and combining our resources and skills will allow us to provide even more in serving our customers. With great confidence we believe this merger will add significant value to those we serve now and future customers. Combining experience and acquisition power will lead to more benefits in stability and longevity.
Bolymin Fleet Management Solutions will continue under its own brand name and is officially detached from the display component business unit.

December 2022
Dieselolietoeslag of Brandstoftoeslag wordt Energietoeslag
Omdat ook wij, samen met onze partners, naast diesel steeds meer alternatieve energiebronnen inzetten om zendingen te kunnen vervoeren, zoals HVO 100 (biogas), gas en elektriciteit, zullen we de brandstof- of dieselolietoeslag vanaf 1 januari 2023 een andere naam geven, nl. Energietoeslag. De wijze waarop wij de Energietoeslag in rekening brengen blijft vooralsnog ongewijzigd.
Voor 2023 adviseert Panteia, zoals verwacht, forse tariefsverhogingen tot maar liefst 11,3 procent, exclusief de brandstofontwikkeling.

December 2022
Outbreak of Omikron in mainland China
Unfortunately the sudden move from the previous zero-COVID policy in China has led to an immense amount of new COVID-cases. The numbers are so staggering, resulting in some factories claim to that up to 50%~60% of the employees can’t come to work. Parts of factories and assembly lines have been shut down. The situation leads to longer lead times and severe pressure on logistic processes. Our strong relationship with our suppliers help us to assess and overcome the next challenge in the pandemic. We urge our customers to evaluate the product demand for the next 6 months and send us the current planning overview.
On the plus side, traveling into China will be easier in the future. DiBis aims to revisit its Chinese suppliers in the foreseeable future.

November 2022
Save the children
DiBis is committed to the future of the planet. On one hand we focus on limiting our ecological footprint and on the other hand we reach out to those in need. Unfortunately there are several conflicts in the world where people are oppressed and driven from their original place of existence. Refugees, especially young ones, need more care to have a fair chance in future life. Therefore we have committed to an annual donation to this charity organization with a very favorable goal.

September 2022
LED driver IC change on DigiWise 7 inch
As official DigiWise distributor for the Benelux we are updating our customers of the immediate change of the LED driver IC on 2 series of the DigiWise TFT:
– 13-070-WMLB-series (LVDS) and
– 13-070-WMTB-series (TTL)
Contact us for more information or a quote
or call +31-320-250860.

September 2022
COVID-19 lockdowns in China continuing
The lockdowns keep occurring in China related to the “zero-tolerance policy” by the Chinese government. This increases the strain on the various supply chains, either consumer products, components and industrial solutions.
Even with low numbers of COVID-19 cases per area, the lockdowns measures are taken, resulting in people (read: workforce) having to stay at home and factories left empty with no output. According to news sites Mr. Xi Jinping stated before that human lives are more valuable than the economy. Economical and industrial high value areas, for instance Shenzhen (Dongguan) and Shanghai but also Beijing are not exempted from the more drastic measures.
DiBis’ (display) suppliers have not really suffered from the COVID-19 measures and trust that the production will keep on schedule with no decrease of volume. For further information on what DiBis can do to ensure the continuation of your production.
Contact us for more information or a quote
or call +31-320-250860.

September 2022
Drought in China is limiting the production output
BOE says its OLED production in Sichuan is limited due to power rationing, but no major impact
As Sichuan province in China suffers from a record heat wave, and the local authorities announces power rationing, limiting power supply to factories in the area.
BOE has two 6-Gen OLED production lines in Sichuan (the B7 line in Chengdu which started operation in 2017, and the line in Mianyang). The company says that it will have to “make adjustments” to its operations in both lines, but it does not expect any major impact on its operations.
BOE suffered from several setbacks to its OLED business lately. Earlier this year the company had to cut back its AMOLED production as it could not secure enough driver ICs. It also suffered from cancelled ordered from Apple following a non-authorized change to the display backplane. It seemed to have overcome from the problems with Apple, and hopefully this new problem will be over soon.
Contact us for more information or a quote.

May 2022
DiBis supports humanitarian aid for war victims in the Ukraine
Soon DiBis will travel to the Polish / Ukrainian border with more relief goods. The first 2 times were focused on food and other necessities. This time our suppliers donated money to buy medical aid products to help save lives. Big or small, we all can do our part to lower the impact of the armed conflict raging in the Ukraine. We should always consider the humanitarian aspect, regardless what side is supported. Want to know more? Get in touch with us, we welcome donations.

May 2022
The Display show of the USA – DISPLAY WEEK
The Society for Information Display’s Display Week 2022 event in San Jose, CA, took place from May 8th until 13th 2022, offering a wide selection of display technology presentations from global experts that cannot be found anywhere else. Many global leaders of display products, components, machinery and innovation show their latest additions to further improve current and new display technologies.
Limited by the COVID-19 regulations, DiBis was not able to attend this exhibition this year, postponing the attendance to 2023 where it will take place in Los Angeles, CA from May 21st ~ May 26th.

February 2022
The tensions in the region in and around the Ukraine are high. Judging the all-out attack on a souverain state causes the world potential further problems in the supply chain.
At DiBis we have taken action towards our forwarding partners to ensure the shipping routes will be as safe and secure as possible and aim to continue deliveries of ongoing and new orders as smooth as possible.
Needless to say we wish for the Ukrainians to be safe and unharmed from the attacks. DiBis has made a donation to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Dutch subsidiary for international refugee help.

February 2022
Justdiggit – cooling down the planet
Today DiBis decided to become a donator for the cause of Justdiggit. If you want to know more about this organization, please visit their website:

January 2022
DiBis to attend the Touch TAIWAN show April 2022
This is the only exhibition jointly supported by TDUA, TTLA, TDMDA, TEEIA and the Taiwanese display industry.
Touch Taiwan is now the world’s leading exhibition for the display industry supply chains and also the premier event having strong connection with Taiwan’s high-tech industries. It provides a powerful platform attracting numerous foreign buyers to purchase panels, learn new technologies, procure equipment and materials, and explore new business cooperation opportunities.
Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center,Hall 1, 4F, Taipei, Taiwan
Dates + opening hours: April 27 (Wed.) – April 29 (Fri.), 2022, each day from 10:00 AM ~ 5:00 PM

January 2022
Change of date: embedded world Exhibition & Conference 2022 to be held in June
To meet multiple requests from registered exhibitors and enable all participants to plan with the maximum possible confidence, the embedded world Exhibition & Conference 2022 has been rescheduled: In close consultation with exhibitors the decision has been taken to postpone the exhibition and accompanying conferences until 21-23 June 2022.
- Early decision to accommodate industry expectations
- Exhibitors and participants at embedded world Conference and electronic displays Conference can plan with confidence
Venue: Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
Dates + opening hours:
June 21+22: 09:00 – 18:00 / June 23: 09:00 – 17:00

January 2022
20th anniversary of the DiBis companies!
Today, exactly 20 years ago, DiBis registered at the Chamber of Commerce. In these 20 years we have had the support from our customers and our suppliers establishing a company and brand that is futureproof. It is with great pride we call ourselves “Professionals behind the screens®”. Thanks to all our current and past partners for making this possible.

November 2021
The worldwide component shortage is affecting the OLED industry
In recent months, the world is suffering from employee shortage due to the pandemic, extreme weather conditions, US-China trade war, raw material shortages and the power grid problems (mainly in China).
This semiconductor supply and demand crisis is affecting the global OLED industry. Some display makers cannot ship their displays simply because they cannot get enough driver ICs. Note: The situation is not the same at all producers, as much depends on the choice of driver IC (or the IC production partner).
A survey was conducted with several AMOLED and PMOLED producers and suppliers in order to try and estimate the problems. The supply of ICs at some OLED makers is too tight to meet demand. Current lead times for some OLED displays can range from 26 weeks to over 52 weeks. This means you will have to wait over a year to get the panels you ordered!

Update: China cutting CO2 emissions drastically
Factories in China are facing a new situation. A national wide power limitation policy is spreading in most provinces. The Chinese government has set a hard carbon emission target. This results in the near future several new uncertainties.
For the electronics industry (a.o. LCD / TFT factories) this will take effect in future months, causing more disruption of supply. We are warned for yet another increase in longer lead times, higher materials cost and higher price overall.
We advise our customers to order in time (e.g. a forecast of minimum 6 months) to avoid any potential delay. Factories work on a first come / first serve base. Contact the DiBis companies for further information and latest updates.

A revolution is underway in micro-displays
Demand for this technology is rising fast, due to a range of emerging applications that include wearable electronics, head-up displays and augmented reality. However, to succeed in the marketplace, these miniaturized displays, which typically have a diagonal screen size of no more than an inch, will have to meet stringent technical requirements that are not fully satisfied by current technologies. One of the most promising technologies for forming these micro-displays is based around the microLED.
This tiny device ““ the LEDs have dimensions on the order of microns ““ are directly integrated as pixel elements onto the silicon driver IC backplane. Taking this approach allows the excellent light emission capabilities of compound semiconductor devices to be paired with the unsurpassed functionalities of the ICs. The displays that result outperform those based on liquid crystal and organic LED technologies, by having the upper hand in terms of brightness/contrast, power efficiency, response time and device reliability.
However, their manufacture is far from easy, due to the tremendous challenges associated with the integration of compound semiconductor microLEDs and silicon-based ICs ““ devices with vastly different material properties and fabrication processes.

DISvue supplier update
DISvue works with a selected and verified supplier base throughout South East Asia. DISvue partners keep us updated on their situation in these challenging times. Below the recent information from one of these factories.
Early this summer, one of the factories where DISvue products are manufactured, was facing not only the impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) but also the Power Restriction in Guangdong Province, China.
The rising temperatures and an industry recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic cause huge electricity consumption. Peak electricity usage in 2021 is arriving earlier in the province than that in previous years. Factories in South China’s Guangdong Province face the problem of Electricity Rationing that influenced daily operations and production. Despite this the hard situation, we manage to strive for smooth operation.
Combating power restriction in Guangdong Province by installing a back-up generator
Recent power restriction in Guangdong Province has urged the factory to fight the problem with practical approaches. Therefore a back-up generator is already deployed, allowing staff and workers are to adopt flexible working hours scheme.
Measures against COVID-19 pandemic in Shunde (Foshan) Factory
Staff line up in the Vaccination Centre in the Shunde factory. The management is conducting measures under the requirements from Guangdong Province Government against COVID-19 pandemic. Staff, visitors and logistics partners are required to wear masks, undergo a body temperature check and their records of visits are logged. Currently 90% of factory staff have already been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.
The factory management is confident in overcoming any difficulties for stakeholders and delivering our products in accordance to customer’s expectations.
Best Regards,
The Display Sales Team

Display technology comparison

DataVision changes to Solomon
Recently we got the official announcement that DataVision has been further incorporated in the Solomon Group.
The Solomon Group has a long history in electronics and is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan.
Solomon was founded in 1973, it was the first electronic components sales agency in Taiwan. Currently it is a listed company and one of the top 200 technology companies in Taiwan.
The business scope mainly covers electrical power, including fuel-engine power generation systems and gas-engine generation system, industrial automation products, display panel, and electronic components.
Its service locations are widely spread in the Asia-Pacific region and in Great China. Solomon provides sophisticated, one-stop-shop supply chain solutions to meet customers’ needs.
We believe the further integration will make DataVision stronger as a display source for the future.
JUNE 2021
Intel board member warns: computer chip shortages to increase 2nd half of 2021
The worldwide shortages on the chip market will only get worse during the course of the second half of 2021, according to Pat Gelsinger (Intel board member). The impact will be felt hardest from this summer until December.
With all the efforts being made to increase production and the slowly stabalizing market demands, the situation is to improve slightly from the turn of the year. But Pat Gelsinger does not expect demand and supply to be balanced before 2023.
Separate from large chip manufacturers, now governments also get involved in resolving the unbalance, not just in supply, but also geographically.

APRIL 2021
Update: Supply chain disruption!
The current supply for raw materials and mostly IC chips is suffering from COVID-19 influences. We urge all our customers to stock-up to avoid production stop.
Regular updates are posted on our LinkedIn page and the website. You are welcome to contact our office.
The main reasons for the current problems started when shops were closed and manufacturers (e.g. cars and electronics) pushed back their demand. After a couple of months people were forced to work from home with huge volume for wearable, portable and mobile product but also telecom and network equipment rose dramatically. Additionally car sales volumes increased again.

The most recent prediction from experts indicate the shortages will last until end of 2021 and for some parts even well into Q1-2022.
Up until then prices will keep rising and lead times will increase. Furthermore the price for long term orders can also no longer be guaranteed without the necessary down-payments.
At DiBis we work extremely hard to keep the discomfort to the minimum and we advise to plan your product intake with regard to the long lead times.
MARCH 2021
Taiwan to host the Display and Touch exhibition of the year
In April the display and touch exhibition of Taiwan will take place in Taipei. This exhibition is still in high demand by companies involved in the display related markets with some 35.000 natioinal and international visitors. This is the only exhibition jointly supported by TDUA, TTLA, TDMDA, TEEIA and the Taiwanese display industry.

Touch Taiwan is now the world’s leading exhibition for the display industry supply chains and also the premier event having strong connection with Taiwan’s high-tech industries. It provides a powerful platform attracting numerous foreign buyers to purchase panels, learn new technologies, procure equipment and materials and explore new business cooperation opportunities.
Touch Taiwan will also incorporate related application fields, including OLED applications, commercial displays, digital signage, wearable displays, and vehicle displays, so as to present more abundant aspects for all participants in the event. The purpose is not only to integrate the display industry chain in Taiwan but to also serve as a platform that proactively helps manufacturers expand their business.
MARCH 2021
How much the world depends on Taiwan for semiconductors
- The global shortage of chips that forced several automakers to halt production has brought attention to Taiwan’s outsized role in semiconductor manufacturing.
- Taiwan dominates the foundry market, or the outsourcing of semiconductor manufacturing.
- Much of that dominance comes down to TSMC, the world’s largest foundry that counts major technology firms such as Apple, Qualcomm and Nvidia as its clients.

Published Monday, MAR 15 2021 by Yen Nee Lee @YENNEE_LEE
Taiwan’s outsized role in chipmaking has come under the spotlight as a global shortage of semiconductors forced several automakers to halt production.
Countries including the U.S. and Germany reached out to Taiwan to help alleviate bottlenecks in the production of chips. The shortage was a result of increased demand for electronics during the Covid-19 pandemic, and was exacerbated by former President Donald Trump’s trade war with China.
FEB 2021
Worldwide chip shortage expected to last into next year
Chip stocks are trading at record highs amid demand spike due to pandemic and other factors, but analysts say continuing short supply of semis are likely to send them higher despite memories of 2018 shortage that led to oversupply.

Last Updated: Feb 24th, 2021 by Wallace Witkowski for
While claims of “this time it’s different” should always be taken with a grain of salt, it may very well be different this time around given the unprecedented mix of factors the world has gone through over the past year. Stifel analyst Matthew Sheerin, who follows tech supply chain issues, is more concerned with continued supply-chain disruptions than he is over-ordering.
“We’ve heard from countless component suppliers and distributors about elevated book-to-bill levels and growing backlog, typically a ‘double-ordering’ red flag,” Sheering said.
“We don’t see any major correction on the horizon, given ongoing supply constraints as well as continued optimism about improving demand in 2H21,” the Stifel analyst said. “We remain more concerned with continued supply disruptions, and increased materials costs, than we do an imminent multi-quarter inventory correction.”

JAN 2021
DigiWise notification on shortage and potential price increases
Since Q3-2020, glass and IC’s have continued to increase in price and shortage became apparent. Up until now DigiWise was successful to maintain the original sales price or at worse increase prices slightly. The ever increasing challenging situation was expected to improv within the next few months. However, we need to conclude that the overall situation is even worsening. For DigiWise this means that all the new order or requirements starting on the 25th January need to be reconfirmed related to lead time and unit price. Full article:

JAN 2021
DiBis goes green(er)
Recently DiBis obtained her certificate that all electricity used by DiBis comes from 100% renewable energy sources.
The solar, wind and water turbines generate CO2 neutral power that DiBis is happy to acquire to further limit our carbon footprint.
Additionally we are able to supply solar panels from a renowned Taiwanese solar panel supplier. Standard and customized products are developed and manufactured in Taiwan. Information can be found on
We are happy to send you further information.

JAN 2021
Chinese labor force suffer COVID-19 pandemic regulations
The latest update from our Chinese suppliers is that more delay and shortage is expected due to the latest pandemic regulations in China. A substantial part of the factory employees have their origin in other areas in China. During Chinese New Year many of the work crew travels back to their place of origin.
The new regulations from the Chinese governments stipulate that quarantine rules apply for people traveling outside of their province and back to the factory location. At both locations a quarantine period is mandatory causing people to be absent from work longer.
Full article:

JAN 2021
Visiting China still suspended
For our customers we visit China and Taiwan regularly.
With the COVID-19 restrictions, it is still very difficult to visit China from EU. Our colleague in Taiwan has recently checked the options and they were severe:
- 3 week quarantine period
- Only allowed to say in a dedicated hotel
- Strict tracking of movement after the quarantine period.
Therefore we have postponed our plans to travel to China until after the summer holiday of 2021.
For very urgent matters our Taiwanese colleague may combine a visit to one of the factories if notified in time.
We trust to have your understanding concerning our decision and acknowledge the traveling limitations.

JAN 2021
Market information – prices on the rise with high demand in the consumer market
Market information – prices on the rise with high demand in the consumer market. The industry is experiencing an increase in display pricing driven by a global shortage of driver microcontrollers. Since the beginning of the stay-at-home economy, demand for electronic components found in notebooks, gaming machines, and other devices have exploded, causing strains on foundry capacity and raising manufacturing costs. Industry experts, economists, and IC manufacturers have all indicated the increased pricing will remain, and possibly rise, as the demands of the pandemic continue to strain resources.
Full article:

JAN 2021
Air freight in high demand during crisis
With the decrease of the passenger flights, the shortage of air freight capacity continues. The high demand with less capacity increases the freight charges. As long as the COVID-19 crisis lasts, the high(er) freight charges will continue.
Full article:

JAN 2021
Samsung Display Company (SDC) to stop LCD production
Samsung Display Company (SDC) to stop LCD production. According to the article by Reuters, Samsung will end their LCD production and move into OLED more and more. The current customers will still be supported for now, but that is going to be on a phase out notice too… For the record: there is no known affiliation between our display brands (incl. DISvue) and Samsung. We are however a bit concerned how this will affect the LCD prices in the near future.
Full article:

JAN 2021
CES Is the Global Stage for Innovation
CES showcases companies including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and more.
It also includes a conference program where the world’s business leaders and pioneering thinkers address the industry’s most relevant issues.
Find out more about the thought leaders and industry innovators who come to CES by checking out the CES 2020 Attendance Audit Summary (PDF).
CES® is the most influential tech event in the world — the proving ground for breakthrough technologies and global innovators. This is where the world’s biggest brands do business and meet new partners, and the sharpest innovators hit the stage. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)®, CES features every aspect of the tech sector.
To register:

Nov / Dec 2020
3rd trip to Taiwan in 2020
The first trip to Taiwan was before the pandemic. The second in July/Aug and in Nov/Dec the last trip to Taiwan took place. It was a little over 3 weeks because the first 2 weeks were taken by an involuntary quarantine. Taiwan has virtually no active cases of COVID-19 patients.
Currently it is virtually impossible to visit China because the quarantine period is even longer and there are more restrictions to get a permit to visit. In most of China the COVID-19 cases have subsided and close to normal life has resumed.
We found that most suppliers in Taiwan are doing much better again because there are more orders with regards to the current shortage. Customers place bigger orders and request them earlier. Also some production has shifted back from mainland China to Taiwan.
Main reason to visit Taiwan again was the big project for the full-custom panel PC for our Italian customer. This is an extensive project with a lot of considerations towards design, durability, longevity and functionality.
Further it was a very good occasion to re-visit friends and suppliers to get the latest updates. Not all suppliers were able to meet with me due to company restrictions towards meetings during the pandemic.
The final official stage of the trip was a dinner with one of the Dutch (speaking) communities in Taipei where I got to meet with the Dutch representative in Taipei (much like an ambassador). The community is sponsored by a.o. KLM and Heineken.

December 1 – 2020
With a less usual side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market for consumer products with displays rose dramatically.
Mostly desktop and mobile products, e.g. monitors, laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart watches; but also for example new TV sets. This caused one major supplier for both the consumer and industrial market to change course and allocate more production capacity for the large volume consumer products.
Consequently the lead times and the prices have risen. Furthermore the unfavorable current exchange rate between the USD and the RMB (Chinese Yuan) has created another reason for price corrections. Although most components are bought and sold in USD, the basic cost for labor, factory locations, shipping (in China) and other standard cost are higher than before the USD value drop.
It is expected that the pressure on raw materials will decrease around mid of 2021.

13-19 OCTOBER 2019
The HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair is an international trade fair for electronic products and services, which takes place twice a year. The spring issue is the largest Asian electronics fair and complements the autumn fair, which has become the world’s largest marketplace for the electronics industry. Here exhibitors from around the world present the latest technological developments in the fast moving electronics industry, inter alia, in the fields of computer, digital camera, audio and PC games.

16-18 NOVEMBER 2019
TAITRONICS 2019 – 45th Taipei International Electronics Show
Venue: TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
The on-line Pre-registration will be available from June 15th. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact the organized team:
TAITRONICS, or Taipei International Electronics Show is a trade show held every October by Taiwan External Trade Development Council and Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association to promote electronic industry in Taiwan since 1974.
With the theme of “E-mobile Era, Smart Living”, TAITRONICS focuses on Electronic Components, Batteries & Power Supplies, LED Lighting & Applications, Meters & Instruments, Process & Manufacturing, Wires & Cables, Smart Living & Consumer Electronics, Safety & Security and RFID Equipment & Applications. BROADBAND TAIWAN showcases Communication Components & Equipment, Broadband Applications & Services, and Mobile Communication. Come visit the fair and meet 1,000 industry suppliers face to face!

July-August – 2020
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, international visits are still necessary to get the best service to our customers. We always take the necessary precautions and we follow the local and international guidelines and procedures.
Before flying a thorough COVID-19 takes place, followed by a negative test result and an international certificate of health. During transits a face mask is worn and social distancing is maintained.
DiBis visits currently in Taiwan only because the precautionary quarantine period involved in both mainland China and Taiwan. It is timewise not possible to visit China and Taiwan in the same trip. Besides that, not every supplier is willing to receive international visitors at this time.
Currently we work hard with a Taiwanese company that has production facilities in both mainland China and Taiwan. In cooperation with DiBis and its Italian customer they are about to set up the preliminary steps to develop a total solution for home automation systems to be used in apartment buildings. To be continued….

7-10 JANUARY 2020
CES 2020 will be available for registration in September 2019.
CES is the world’s gathering place for all those who thrive on the business of consumer technologies. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years — the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace.
Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), it attracts the world’s business leaders and pioneering thinkers.

25-27 FEBRUARY 2020
EMBEDDED WORLD 2020 – the leading international fair for embedded systems
Be it security for electronic systems, distributed intelligence, the Internet of Things or e-mobility and energy efficiency – the embedded world trade fair in Nuremberg enables you to experience the whole world of embedded systems.
Discover the innovations from the embedded sector, meet experts and acquire new customers: more than 1,100 exhibitors and numerous speakers from 52 countries will be presenting the entire spectrum – ranging from construction elements through modules and full systems, operating systems, hard and software to services – to more than 32,000 trade visitors and approximately 2,200 conference participants from 77 countries.